Our Research Initiatives

Growing Better Lives supports and encourages research not only within mental health and distress, but also on any surrounding bio-pyscho-social influences that can affect an individual. This may include recovery, arts and humanities, and various other social and cultural perspectives.

“Growing Better Lives was one of the original integrated research groups within the Centre for Social Futures, which was founded in 2013 as part of the Institute of Mental Health at Nottingham University. One of our directors, Dr Rex Haigh, was later appointed as Honorary Professor of Therapeutic Environments and Relational Health in Nottingham University’s School of Sociology and Social Policy. 

We have presented at multiple conferences and forums and have worked in partnership with BIGSPD (The British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorders). Recently we conducted a wide-ranging study into the practice of sending people with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder to hospitals away from their home area which was then published as a policy document with BIGSPD.

For anyone new to this area of practice, a great place to start is by reading two iconic and award winning papers by Dr Rex Haigh: “The Philosophy of Greencare”  and “The Quintessence of a Therapeutic Environment” which you will find in our resources section and are available for downloading.”