International Living-Learning Experiences (INLLE)

Living-Learning Experiences (LLEs) are experiential training programmes that were started by Growing Better Lives in December 1995 in the UK, in a study centre that was situated at an organic farm in Kent. They take place over a 3-day weekend and are designed for practitioners in Therapeutic Communities (TCs) to experience what it feels like to be a member of a TC from ‘the other side’.

An LLE is an immersive experience and it is based on the democratic therapeutic community programme within the NHS that was operating in Reading, Berkshire. There are anything between 12 and 30 participants, with 3 to 4 members of staff, and they have a structured programme which includes community meetings, small groups, cooking for each other and ‘community time’.

All decisions are taken by the whole community; group processes minimise any sense of ‘us and them’ between the participants and the staff team, and ensure that there is shared responsibility for ourselves and each other. An important ethos is that of playfulness, fun and spontaneity – as well as serious, and sometimes intense reflective time, together.

Our initial LLEs attracted participants who were working in democratic TCs or other mental health organisations overseas. This soon grew into a network of International Living-Learning Experiences (INLLEs), in addition to the twice-yearly British ones that we delivered for many years. 

We have organised and helped to deliver INLLEs in many parts of Italy, Australia, Ireland, India, Portugal and Canada. Any participant who has attended an LLE or an INLLE has the opportunity to train with us and become one of our staff team at future events. Our network of overseas clients is continually increasing and we have some upcoming INLLEs planned in countries we have not delivered the training in before now, as well as returning to the places where we have already established a forum of events.

Our UK LLEs are now facilitated and delivered by the Mulberry Bush Organisation Third Space (MB3), the National Centre for Reflective Practice. They are based in a beautiful rural space in Toddington (Gloucestershire) with extensive grounds and surrounded by greenery, with a yurt in one of their meadows and plenty of accommodation.

Statement of aims

INLLEs are partnerships of experienced mental health practitioners who provide carefully planned and structured training so that participants can develop:

  • A reflective practice for those aiming to provide therapeutic environments

  • Group facilitation skills for those working in therapeutic communities

  • A lived experience of sociotherapy for any mental health practitioners

  • An understanding of complex emotional dynamics that can be accessible to all health workers

  • An appreciation of the use of relationships in all encounters, for professionals in any field

  • An intensive appreciation of emotional intelligence for those whose work requires it

  • A general appreciation of emotional intelligence for those who would benefit from it